In a small rural Korean village, Ehwa lives with her widowed mother. They are as close as two people can be. But as Ehwa’s starts her journey from child to woman and her mother begins to open her heart with a new man will they be pulled apart?
This is the first of a trilogy. Color of Water and Color of Heaven complete the story of Ehwa growing from child to woman and her mother’s new love. This is another Korean Manhwa and I really was grabbed by the unique art. It reminded me of very early Japanese manga, because it has a very simple and graceful art style. Kim’s simple style is graceful and conveys a lot of emotion and depth with very simple images. It is clearly inspired by classic Japanese and Korean art. The story in this trilogy is really romantic and beautiful. I think Ehwa’s transformation throughout the trilogy from child to woman is told incredibly well. The mother-daughter relationship is really powerful and moves the story along very well. I think this is a great read for young women that like stories of love and romance and comics or manga. Check out the whole trilogy.